I first learned of Solé (pronounced so-lay) Water from a fellow herbalist at an event last week, and I was immediately intrigued. People in my family all tend to suffer from electrolyte issues, so finding a new way to get them, of course, piqued my interest. As soon as I got home, I set my first batch to make, and then, in true-to-me fashion, I set out to learn everything I could. So, here’s the scoop on this simple tonic and all of its potential benefits.
What is Solé Water?
Solé water is, in essence, a mineral tonic made with unrefined (Pink Himalayan) salt and (distilled) water. It was first introduced in 2003 by Dr. Barbara Hendel and Peter Ferreira (not an affiliate link) in their book Water and Salt: The Essence of Life. Because Solé contains salt, minerals, and trace amounts of other electrolytes at its core, it functions similarly to other electrolyte drinks. The term "solé" originates from the Latin word "sol," meaning sun, due to the belief that this tonic captures the sun's energy and infuses it into our bodies.
What Are the Benefits of Solé Water?
Solé's most ardent advocates claim that drinking this highly salinized solution provides benefits ranging from better sleep and increased energy to fewer allergies, weight loss, and even improved mood. Let’s take a closer look.
Improved Hydration
Plain water is excellent for hydration and flushing toxins but can also dilute and flush out essential minerals. Because Solé Water contains the electrolytes and minerals your body needs to function optimally, it helps hydrate your body while replenishing any minerals that may be lost.
Increased Vitamins and Minerals
Himalayan salt boasts over 84 minerals and other elements, such as calcium, chromium, iodine, sulfur, magnesium, potassium, and zinc. It is also rich in iron oxide, which is what gives it its signature pink color. Consuming this natural salt in the form of solé water makes it easier for your body to absorb these minerals. Furthermore, Himalayan salt is naturally rich in iodine, which releases a unique energy when soaked in water.
Toxin Removal
Electrolytes assist the kidneys in eliminating wastes and toxins. When water and salt are combined, the negative ions of the water molecules combine with the positive ions of salt (and vice versa), creating an electrically charged tonic. Soaking salt in water until it becomes fully salinized allows the electrolytes to be easily absorbed by the body, helping maintain the body's fluid balance and allowing it to become more efficient at eliminating toxins.
Improved PH and Overall Body Balance
Salt and other electrolytes support pH balance and optimal ion balance. Due to its makeup, Solé Water can help balance your body’s positively and negatively charged ions, aiding in the transport of signals and nutrients in and out of cells.
Clearer Skin
Some of the minerals present in Himalayan salt (chromium, iodine, sulfur, zinc) may help fight some of the more common skin ailments. Chromium and iodine help to keep skin infections at bay, while sulfur is known for keeping the skin clean and smooth. Zinc helps repair tissues and prevent acne.
Better Sleep
Sodium is critical for proper sleep, and Solé water may work as a nervine, helping you to relax while calming the nervous system, allowing for a better night's sleep.
Improved Digestion
The chloride found in salt is necessary for producing stomach acid as well as aiding in the transportation of nutrients in the small intestines. Furthermore, Himalayan salt stimulates hydrochloric acid and the enzymes involved in the metabolism of the proteins that break down food.
Potential Weight Loss
Studies have shown that low-salt diets could aggravate insulin resistance and that the right amount of salt intake may support metabolic health.
Which Type of Salt Should Be Used?
For Solé Water, you'll want a minimally processed salt with its trace minerals intact. Pink Himalayan salt is the most commonly used, but you could also opt for Celtic (Grey) Sea Salt, Alaea Salt (Red Hawaiian Salt), or Black Lava Salt. No matter which salt you choose, you can use rock, coarse, or finely ground salt crystals.
How Do You Make Solé Water?
You make Solé Water by dissolving unprocessed salt into water until the water becomes fully salinated and cannot absorb more. Here's a simple step-by-step guide:
You Will Need:
A glass jar with a plastic lid or wax paper to line your metal lid to protect it from the salt.
Himalayan or other natural salt
Distilled water
The Method
1 - Fill your jar ¼ full with your chosen salt, then top the rest of the jar with distilled water.
2 - Shake to combine, then let the mixture sit undisturbed for 24 hours. The salt will naturally dissolve during this time, creating a concentrated brine.
3 - Check your saturation. After 24 hours, you should find a portion of undissolved salt at the bottom of the jar, indicating that the solution is saturated and cannot absorb more salt. If no salt is left in the jar, add more and repeat steps one and two. Once the brine is fully saturated, your Solé Water is ready to consume.
How to Take Solé Water
Add one teaspoon of Solé Water to one cup of water and drink each morning on an empty stomach. You can also use this tonic to rehydrate after strenuous exercise or extreme heat exposure to replace the water and electrolytes lost in sweat.

Content from thisunboundlife.com is meant to be informational in nature and is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice. Remember that just because something is “natural” does not always mean it is safe for every person. When it comes to herbal medicine, many plants should be avoided when pregnant or nursing, and some can cause extreme interactions with prescription and over-the-counter medicine.
While we strive to be 100% accurate, utilizing information from scientific studies, trusted sources, and verified publications, we are not health professionals, medical doctors, or nutritionists. It is solely up to the reader to verify nutritional information and health benefits with qualified professionals for all edible plants listed on this website and to ensure proper plant identification.
The information provided by this site is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Before using herbal preparations, always research, speak to a professional regarding any significant concerns, and never fail to seek medical advice when needed.